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Advocacy for business by the BusinessNZ Network


Your work your way

Employers are asked to sign the open letter to Govt, expressing their support for alternatives to Fair Pay Agreements. BusinessNZ’s Kirk Hope says it’s not right to force people into collective agreements against their will, and a smarter way would be to improve and strengthen the current wage bargaining system. And rather than a bureaucratic sector-wide approach under Fair Pay Agreements, a targeted approach limited to vulnerable sectors would be more appropriate, BusinessNZ says.

$250m for R&D

BusinessNZ has welcomed new R&D grants announced this week: an Innovation Trailblazer grant for significant business developments that could bring spill-over benefits to the wider economy, and a New to R&D grant to help businesses currently without R&D capabilities to access the existing R&D Tax Incentive. The grants will be worth $250 over 4 years, supplementing the R&D Tax Incentive which has allocated $118 million of grants supporting private sector investment in R&D of over $788 million to date.

Employer accreditation open

Applications are open for employers to be accredited to hire workers from overseas.  Under the new Accredited Employer Work Visa scheme, an employer must gain accreditation, advertise a job within NZ for at least 2 weeks and show there are no suitable NZers available for the job before their prospective employee can apply for the visa. Minimum pay thresholds are required unless the role is on an exemption list.  Applications for migrant workers to apply for the visa open on 4 July.


Transforming recycling

BusinessNZ is arguing against regulating for compulsory recycling. Its submission to the Environment Ministry says voluntary industry-led schemes are more appropriate given NZ’s size and population density, and better pricing signals would help too. To encourage recycling, NZ needs transparent pricing and payment per amount collected, rather than rubbish collection bulk-funded out of general rates. Waste levy funds should be strictly used for waste minimisation, not general purposes, to ensure the levy doesn’t simply become a tax on waste without prompting more recycling, BusinessNZ says.

How to reform

Business should have more of a say in big NZ-wide reforms, according to a publication by Deloitte. State of the State 2022 says major reforms are usually politically-sponsored and public sector-led, but businesses and communities should be allowed more scope to influence change in areas such as decommissioning old technologies or building new workforce skills. The report also makes the case for establishing a Reform Office to develop proposals for change and set up partnerships to drive needed reforms.

Recent submissions


Coming up

AdvocacyUpdate is an update on recent activity & advocacy by the BusinessNZ Network
