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Advocacy for business by the BusinessNZ Network


Covid regulations

Businesses need time to adjust to traffic light rules, including how to resource safety measures, run risk assessments, or avoid grievance claims if terminating the employment of an unvaccinated worker.  BusinessNZ's  Kirk Hope says the rules for vaccine passes aren't well understood, “especially in diversified business where you may need a vaccine mandate in place for some workers and not others, and for some customers and not others,” and WorkSafe should take a pragmatic approach to enforcing business compliance.


Rapid antigen testing

Businesses can now purchase rapid antigen tests from authorised suppliers (Roche, Abbott, Pantonic, EBOS). MBIE’s 5-week rapid antigen trial ended this week - 29 large firms administered over 23,000 tests, working out e.g., how to identify which individuals took which tests, maintain privacy and dispose of test kits. The trial showed that more shallow nasal tests and ability to self-administer were preferred features and that all participants were happy with the outcomes. From 15 Dec rapid antigen tests will be able to be purchased from local distributors.

More firms closing

More businesses closed than opened in NZ last year. Normally around 60,000 business are created each year and about 50,000 closes: a net increase of about 10,000. But in 2020 nearly 64,500 were created and nearly 65,000 closed - a net decline of around 300 firms. The last time there was a net decline was after the Global Financial Crisis. And fewer businesses have been listed for sale in recent months, says ABC Business Sales, with hospitality business sales “non-existent,” but IT and property maintenance firms and supermarket suppliers selling strongly.


Building products inquiry

An inquiry in the residential building sector is under way. The Commerce Commission is investigating the competitiveness and cost of building supplies. For some products the market is concentrated, with fibre-glass insulation dominated by 3 companies, cement supply by 2 companies and plasterboard by 1 company. There is also much vertical integration with firms involved both in manufacturing and retailing key products and a lack of transparency due to the widespread use of rebates and loyalty schemes. The inquiry will report back a year from now.

Emissions plan vague

BusinessNZ Energy Council (BEC) says NZ’s proposed Emissions Reduction Plan is vague on how NZ’s proposed reductions can be achieved, and what reductions will be required in different industries - more focus is needed on industries where emissions reduction is difficult and where there is a risk that businesses will simply reduce production in NZ, leading to higher emissions offshore. More specifics and more economic modelling are needed for the final Emissions Reduction Plan, BEC’s submission says. 

Pathway for migrant workers

Migrant workers can now apply for a Resident Visa (which can potentially lead to Permanent Resident status). This one-off, time-limited change to visa settings has been introduced in response to Covid-19 and will be welcomed by businesses seeking to retain skills and talent from overseas. Around 165,000 migrants could be eligible along with partners and dependent children, including those currently living outside NZ. The new visa policy is proving so popular that Immigration NZ’s website crashed this week under the strain.

Wellbeing for Auckland business

The Covid-beleaguered Auckland business community now has access to mental health support services. First Steps features more than 50 providers of wellbeing and mental health support services that can provide consultations, support and management tools for dealing with stress. The service has been developed by EMA and Auckland Business Chamber and is supported by a $10 million funding package from the Government. Businesses can visit the website or call 0800 178 783.

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AdvocacyUpdate is an update on recent activity & advocacy by the BusinessNZ Network
