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Small firms still worst hit by compliance costs
The compliance burden is still much higher for small than large businesses, according to this year’s BusinessNZ-KPMG Compliance Cost Survey.
The RMA – tune-up, or out of tune?
Opinion piece by Simon Carlow, Chief Exectutive BusinessNZ
A new word that explains a lot
Opinion piece by Simon Carlaw, Chief Executive BusinessNZ
‘Transfer of business’ policy will cost NZ
‘Transfer of business’ provisions in the Employment Relations Law Reform Bill are causing concern to many companies.
Economic Growth and the Size & Structure of Government
This paper was prepared as input for the Medium Term Strategy Group of the Ministry of Economic Development.
The Case for Growth
Address to Reception, Dunedin Club by BusinessNZ President Terry Arnold.
Post-compulsory education and training policy
Policy statement on post-compulsory education and training focusing on the four priorities of workplace learning, adult literacy, school outcomes and tertiary sector relevance.