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Infrastructure spend could invigorate economy

OIO decision confidence building

OIO decision confidence building BusinessNZ chief executive Kirk Hope welcomes a decision by Minister of Finance Grant Robertson and Associate Minister of Finance David Parker to approve new...

Infrastructure spend could invigorate economy

NZ economy slowdown

NZ economy slowdown International and domestic factors are contributing to a slowing economy, according to the latest BusinessNZ Planning Forecast.The BusinessNZ Planning Forecast for the September...

Infrastructure spend could invigorate economy

Business concerned by blurring of Government and Reserve Bank policy

In past opinion pieces I’ve raised some of the additional regulatory burdens that businesses are facing as a result of Government policy and some of the risks and consequences of those changes. This one focuses on more regulatory and policy changes which are creating some nervousness in the business sector, but rather than from central government these policies are emanating from the central bank.

Infrastructure spend could invigorate economy

RMA shakeup long overdue

RMA shakeup long overdue A shakeup of the Resource Management System is a big step in the right direction, BusinessNZ chief executive Kirk Hope says."This is a great chance to move towards improved...

Infrastructure spend could invigorate economy

Increased support for innovation

Increased support for innovation Moves to broaden R&D tax incentives for more businesses have been welcomed by BusinessNZ.The Government has announced a tax incentive for investment in research...

Infrastructure spend could invigorate economy

More focus needed on business with Asia

More focus needed on business with Asia This year’s Perceptions of Asia report demonstrates the importance of business links between New Zealand and Asia, says BusinessNZ.The latest survey by...

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