BusinessNZ Planning Forecast – June 2008
Quarterly snapshot of the New Zealand economy with projections of the main economic indicators over the next three years to help prepare budgets and business plans.
Low Hydro Lakes Planning Report – May 2008
Report compiled by Transpower for the week ending 11 May 2008.
BNZ – BusinessNZ PSI – March 2008
Activity in the service sector fell back to its lowest level recorded since the survey began, with a seasonally adjusted PSI for March at 50.8.
Service sector activity lackluster in March – PSI
Activity in the service sector fell back to its lowest level recorded since the survey began, with a seasonally adjusted PSI for March at 50.8.
BNZ – BusinessNZ PMI – March 2008
Essential Skills Policy: Temporary Work
Submission to the New Zealand Immigration Service on the 'Essential Skills Policy'.
BNZ – BusinessNZ PSI – February 2008
The level of expansion picked up for the second month of 2008 after two consecutive months of easing, with a seasonally adjusted PSI for February at 55.6.
Service sector expansion picks up in February – PSI
The level of expansion picked up for the second month of 2008 after two consecutive months of easing, with a seasonally adjusted PSI for February at 55.6.
BNZ – BusinessNZ PMI – February 2008
Public Health Bill
Submission to the Health Committee on the Public Health Bill.
Draft National Strategy for Financial Literacy
Submission to the Retirement Commission on the 'Draft National Strategy for Financial Literacy' document.
Education (Establishment of Universities of Technology) Amendment Bill
Submission to the Education & Science Select Committee on the Education (Establishment of Universities of Technology) Amendment Bill.