Parental Leave & Employment Protection (6 Months’ Paid Leave)
Submission to the Government Administration Select Committee on the Parental Leave and Employment Protection (Six Months’ Paid Leave) Amendment Bill.
Proposal to introduce plain packaging of tobacco products in NZ
Submission to the Ministry of Health on the consultation document entitled 'Proposal to Introduce Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products in New Zealand'.
Advanced Technology Institute Bill
Submission to the Education & Science Committee on the Advanced Technology Institute Bill.
BusinessNZ Planning Forecast – September 2012
Quarterly snapshot of the New Zealand economy with projections of the main economic indicators over the next three years to help prepare budgets and business plans.
Fire Service Review
Letter to the Department of Internal Affairs on the review the functions and funding of New Zealand’s fire services.
Dead even – PSI
The service sector was in a complete holding pattern in August, with a PSI for August at 50.0.
BNZ – BusinessNZ PSI – August 2012
The service sector was in a complete holding pattern in August, with a seasonally adjusted PSI for August at 50.0.
Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill
Submission to the Local Government and Environment Select Committee on the Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill.
August angst – PMI
NZ’s manufacturing sector fell further in contraction during August, with a seasonally adjusted PMI for August at 47.2.
BNZ – BusinessNZ PMI – August 2012
NZ’s manufacturing sector fell further in contraction during August, with a seasonally adjusted PMI for August at 47.2.
Holidays Anzac & Waitangi Day Bill
Submission to the Government Administration Select Committee on the Holidays (Full Recognition of Waitangi and ANZAC Day Amendment Bill.
Industry training letter re proposals
Feedback to the Ministry of Education on the document Proposal to Improve the Performance of the Government’s Investment in Industry Training.