
Statements by BusinessNZ on issues relevant to enterprise in New Zealand.

If workplace bullying has been alleged, it has to be investigated and dealt with

If workplace bullying has been alleged, it has to be investigated and dealt with

We’re seeing media reports and allegations about bullying in a number of workplaces – a matter of some concern. Bullying in any workplace is hurtful and harmful. It causes stress, anger, anxiety and depression, and it takes away confidence. Bullying behaviour raises the need for workplaces to take action, and I’m pleased to report that many New Zealand businesses are taking it seriously.

If workplace bullying has been alleged, it has to be investigated and dealt with

A year of uncertainty and soothed fears for business

The political economy – the environment for doing business – changed somewhat in 2018 following the election of a coalition that many said would be bad for business. In fact, there have been some surprising policy moves led by the various Labour, NZ First and Green parts of the Government.

If workplace bullying has been alleged, it has to be investigated and dealt with

Protecting customer data is the price of digital business

Concerns about privacy are growing as fast as new technology develops. Whether it’s smart watches recording vital signs or smart TVs recording private conversations, the outcome always seems to be the loss of privacy. The trade-off between providing great customer benefits using customers’ own data, and privacy loss, is a fine line and we should be aware of the risks.

If workplace bullying has been alleged, it has to be investigated and dealt with

Embracing the education opportunity

New Zealand’s education system is facing the most significant change in 30 years. Exciting prospects on the horizon will have a significant impact on our future workforce and the ability of Kiwi businesses to remain globally competitive.

If workplace bullying has been alleged, it has to be investigated and dealt with

There’s no easy way to get Kiwis earning more

Low pay continues to be a matter of much debate. A recent column here suggesting New Zealand is not a low wage economy drew hundreds of comments, both in agreement and against. Evidence would suggest we are not a low-wage economy. But it’s true that we do have a number of lower paid occupations and sectors.