The latest BusinessNZ Planning Forecast shows middling growth for New Zealand’s economy between now and 2025, with a mix of positive and negative indicators. BusinessNZ Director of Advocacy Catherine Beard says New Zealand’s economy is facing similar conditions to...
Media Releases
Recent media releases from BusinessNZ.
Contractor policy has merit
BusinessNZ agrees with a policy proposal to clarify in law the distinction between contractors and employees. Commenting on an election policy released by ACT today, BusinessNZ Advocacy Director Catherine Beard said the issue was a significant one for the business...
Business views for 2023 election
Businesses are ambitious for New Zealand’s success and want a better policies to help achieve it, BusinessNZ says. BusinessNZ has ‘taken the pulse’ of the business community and published Election Priorities for a better future - the thoughts of large and small...
Prices rising with costs, not ‘greedflation’
New Research by Sense Partners into increasing costs show that while the price of goods and services have increased across the board, inflated profits are not the driving force in New Zealand. The report released today: Greedflation in New Zealand? An imported...
Welcoming free trade with the UK
Export New Zealand celebrates the Government’s announcement that a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United Kingdom will soon come into force, on 31 May. ExportNZ Senior Policy Advisor Josh Tan calls the NZ-UK FTA "A comprehensive and modern Free Trade Agreement...
NZ Economy: Challenges abound
The latest BusinessNZ Planning Forecast shows New Zealand’s economy continues to face pressure from within and further abroad, increasing chances of recession. BusinessNZ Chief Executive Kirk Hope says some of these pressures are beyond our control, "including the...
Onslow too slow
The BusinessNZ Energy Council (BEC) says investigating answers to the dry year problem is important, but options must consider solutions for both short and long-term energy issues. “With the world moving to decentralised options, and with extreme weather events...
NZ economy: storm clouds building
The latest BusinessNZ Planning Forecast reveals that while things might look favourable at first, there are several factors which are still cause for economic concern. Both Treasury and the Reserve Bank have predicted the economy will go into a shallow recession by...
BusinessNZ welcomes additions to the Green List
It is positive to see Government recognise the extreme skill shortages affecting business with changes to immigration settings today, says BusinessNZ Chief Executive Kirk Hope. “Pushing out accreditation will save an estimated $30 million in compliance costs next year...
BusinessNZ Network available to help
BusinessNZ will not be the default negotiator for Fair Pay Agreements but will provide assistance to employers who are required to negotiate an FPA with unions. BusinessNZ Advocacy Director Catherine Beard says the organisation will not take the Government’s monetary...
NZ energy system is top 10, security key focus
The BusinessNZ Energy Council (BEC) is proud New Zealand’s energy sector remains one of the top ten globally for equitable, secure and sustainable access, but says energy security is a risk. Each year the World Energy Council’s Energy Trilemma Index ranks...
NZ Energy Strategy: Terms show Govt is listening
The BusinessNZ Energy Council (BEC) welcomes the New Zealand Energy Strategy terms of reference and is pleased to see many of the recommendations put forward to Government have been considered. BEC Executive Director Tina Schirr says the industry’s voice has been...