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Moderate predictions calm the carbon debate
Opinion piece by Phil O’Reilly, CEO BusinessNZ, on carbon trading.
Here’s to 2007
BusinessNZ Chief Executive Phil O’Reilly looks forward to 2007.
Paving the way for emissions trading
Opinion piece by Phil O’Reilly, CEO BusinessNZ, on emissions tradinig.
The energy footprint of fabulous New Zealand food
Opinion piece by Phil O’Reilly, CEO BusinessNZ, on ‘food miles’.
The export imperative
Opinion piece by Phil O’Reilly, CEO BusinessNZ, on selling our goods and services overseas to improve our standard of living.
Benchmarking positive for business
Opinion piece by Phil O’Reilly, CEO BusinessNZ on the 2006 Business NZ-KPMG Compliance Cost Survey results.
Compliance problems with tax, employment law
Compliance costs have increased for four out of six business sizes, with tax and employment law the top concerns, according to the latest annual survey of business compliance costs.
‘Mood of Boardroom’ shines spotlight on tax
Phil O’Reilly, CEO BusinessNZ, comments on the Mood of the Boardroom survey results, which provide a broad snapshot of business sentiment.
SOEs and risk
Opinion piece by Phil O’Reilly, CEO BusinessNZ on the new ‘expanded’ state-owned enterprises (SOEs) policy.
Balancing risk in employment
Probationary periods and unjustified dismissals – a view by BusinessNZ Chief Executive Phil O’Reilly.
Fixing the catch-22 for unemployed
Opinion piece by Phil O’Reilly, CEO BusinessNZ.
Compliance survey confirms business groundswell on tax
The importance tax assumed during the 2005 election campaign has been underlined by the findings of the third annual BusinessNZ-KPMG Compliance Cost Survey.