The business community is disappointed by the Green Party carbon tax policy, saying it would not be good for communities, bringing potential loss of jobs and industry.
Business & Society
Top service – PSI
Activity in the services sector continued its upwards momentum during April, with a seasonally adjusted PSI for April at 58.9.
Solid progress in 2014 Budget
The Government’s measured approach to economic management is achieving solid progress, says BusinessNZ.
Budget 2014 – Key Issues and Outcomes
BusinessNZ’s summary of the 2014 Budget.
Indian Summer – PSI
Activity in the services sector was back on track in March after a dip in expansionary levels during the previous month, with a seasonally adjusted PSI for March at 58.3.
Oil & gas block offer good for business and communities
BusinessNZ says today’s announcement by the Government that designated blocks of land and sea are being made available to international companies for petroleum exploration is a welcome signal for investment in our economy.
NZ economy – sunny disposition
The BusinessNZ Planning Forecast shows the sun still shining on the New Zealand economy.
Pause for thought – PSI
While continuing to expand, activity in the services sector lost some impetus during February, with a seasonally adjusted PSI for February at 53.1.
Good move by local government
A local government initiative to foster business friendly councils has been welcomed by BusinessNZ.
Risk to NZ businesses from controversial use of privilege
BusinessNZ is expressing concern at the implications for all business as a result of continued allegations against Countdown supermarkets made in Parliament by Labour MP Shane Jones.
Guidelines for development contributions sought
Better council treatment of property developers would help housing affordability, says BusinessNZ.
Living wage ‘really’ $22.89
The ‘new’ living wage has shifted the goalposts and appears to be more about politics than public policy, says BusinessNZ.