OIO decision confidence building BusinessNZ chief executive Kirk Hope welcomes a decision by Minister of Finance Grant Robertson and Associate Minister of Finance David Parker to approve new applications by mining company OceanaGold to purchase land in Waihi.Earlier,...
Strong candidate selected for climate role
Strong candidate selected for climate role BusinessNZ chief executive Kirk Hope welcomes the appointment of Climate Change Commission (CCC) Chair-designate Dr Rod Carr."We look forward to working with Dr Carr as he builds on the legacy of the interim climate committee...
ETS development continues to be well signalled
ETS development continues to be well signalled The latest design changes to New Zealand’s emissions trading scheme have been progressively well signalled and are broadly positive, says BusinessNZ.The Government’s latest set of changes include rules for...
Failing to see the forest for the trees
Failing to see the forest for the trees The latest report from the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment would result in upheaval for New Zealand’s environmental settings, BusinessNZ says.The report calls for New Zealand’s zero carbon emissions...
Steady ETS development
Steady ETS development BusinessNZ has welcomed the announcement of the first tranche of decisions from the ongoing development of the NZ Emissions Trading Scheme.BusinessNZ Chief Executive Kirk Hope said the ETS needs a careful balance between contributing to...
New directions in urban planning positive
New directions in urban planning positive Urban planning recommendations released today could help overcome housing and infrastructure problems, says BusinessNZ.The Productivity Commission's report Better Urban Planning makes a key recommendation of replacing the...
Safeguarding export industries
Early ratification helpful for NZ business
Early ratification helpful for NZ business Earlyratification helpful for NZ businessTheGovernment's early ratification of the Paris Agreement on climate change placesNew Zealand in a good negotiating position for future UN decision making, saysBusinessNZ.New...
Early ratification helpful for NZ business
Early ratification helpful for NZ business TheGovernment's early ratification of the Paris Agreement on climate change placesNew Zealand in a good negotiating position for future UN decision making, saysBusinessNZ.New Zealandhas now deposited its formal ratification...
Better Urban Planning submission
Who gets the water
A new system for water allocation is needed
Proposed National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity Consultation
BusinessNZ submission on proposed National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity Consultation Docuemnt