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Infrastructure Commission welcomed

Infrastructure Commission welcomed

Infrastructure Commission welcomed BusinessNZ says the establishment of the new Infrastructure Commission will help overcome current infrastructure problems in New Zealand.Chief Executive Kirk Hope...

Infrastructure Commission welcomed

Engagement with business

Engagement with business Greater integration with the world economy will reap dividends for New Zealand business, the Prime Minister told business leaders today.Addressing the BusinessNZ economic...

Infrastructure Commission welcomed

Steady ETS development

Steady ETS development BusinessNZ has welcomed the announcement of the first tranche of decisions from the ongoing development of the NZ Emissions Trading Scheme.BusinessNZ Chief Executive Kirk Hope...

Infrastructure Commission welcomed

ACC levy reduction welcomed

ACC levy reduction welcomed ACC levy reduction welcomedThe reduction in the ACC work levy has been welcomed by BusinessNZ.The levy paid by employers and the self-employed will reduce from an average...

Infrastructure Commission welcomed

A year of uncertainty and soothed fears for business

The political economy – the environment for doing business – changed somewhat in 2018 following the election of a coalition that many said would be bad for business. In fact, there have been some surprising policy moves led by the various Labour, NZ First and Green parts of the Government.

Infrastructure Commission welcomed

If workplace bullying has been alleged, it has to be investigated and dealt with

We’re seeing media reports and allegations about bullying in a number of workplaces – a matter of some concern. Bullying in any workplace is hurtful and harmful. It causes stress, anger, anxiety and depression, and it takes away confidence. Bullying behaviour raises the need for workplaces to take action, and I’m pleased to report that many New Zealand businesses are taking it seriously.

Infrastructure Commission welcomed

Positive changes to Employment Bill

Changes to the Employment Relations Amendment Bill will make parts of the legislation more acceptable to business. A supplementary order paper lodged by the Government would address some key...

Infrastructure Commission welcomed

Positive changes to Employment Bill

Positive changes to Employment Bill Changes to the Employment Relations Amendment Bill will make parts of the legislation more acceptable to business.A supplementary order paper lodged by the...

Infrastructure Commission welcomed

Protecting customer data is the price of digital business

Concerns about privacy are growing as fast as new technology develops. Whether it’s smart watches recording vital signs or smart TVs recording private conversations, the outcome always seems to be the loss of privacy. The trade-off between providing great customer benefits using customers’ own data, and privacy loss, is a fine line and we should be aware of the risks.

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