Time to focus on the value of tertiary education

Time to focus on the value of tertiary education

Education performance information should include measures of value, says BusinessNZ.

Information released today shows improved achievement levels in the courses and qualifications completed by students in New Zealand tertiary education organisations.

BusinessNZ Chief Executive Phil O’Reilly has welcomed the release of the information but says it is time to consider the economic value of tertiary education alongside the current education performance indicators.

“The introduction of education performance indicators has resulted in improved performance as defined by courses and qualifications completed and student retention rates and progression to high level qualifications,” Mr O’Reilly said.

“But these are internal measures of the system and tertiary education organisations

“Internal measures are useful but need to be balanced with information on the value produced from these qualifications.

“New Zealand’s labour productivity growth has generally been lower than most other OECD countries, despite increases in our labour quality (as defined by people with qualifications).

“It’s time we focused on whether New Zealand gains the full economic value from increases in the number of people completing course and qualifications.

“The challenge now is to turn this improved tertiary achievement by students into a more competitive and productive New Zealand.”




25 Jul, 2013

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